Throwback Thursday-Super Short!

Since I haven't put up any embarrassing pictures of me in a while (well, that's debatable-they're all kind of embarrassing), I thought I'd throw out a few more!  This will be very short as I'm much more focused on my Sapelo and Savannah stuff.

So when I last posted baby pictures I used them to illustrate how habits/traits develop early.  Well...I have a couple more! 

Love of dogs/animals.  There were dogs in our house from the day I was born.  In fact, I can't think of a time in my life where we/I haven't had at least one dog.  As you'll see in other pictures, I've had a variety of pets but dogs have been the one constant.  This is Duke our diabetic dalmatian (alliteration!).  My parents got him when they were stationed in North Dakota so he'd been around a bit before I came along.  He actually decently contributed to the University of Georgia's Veterinary Medicine program's research into canine diabetes as little was known about it in the late '70's. 

Sigh.  So I chew on pretty much anything-including metal, mostly in the form of paperclips.  And as you can see it started pretty much immediately.  I don't even know what to say about this.  Let's say I was teething.  Though I'm sure Dr. Freud would have lots to say about this combined with the fact that I still chew on things and bite my nails.  Good thing I don't subscribe to much of psychoanalytic theory!  Hey, I can't, I was trained in grad school by a very serious Adlerian (for those non-theory people out there, he left Freud's posse due to strong differences in opinion).  Look at me acting like I know all about theory and stuff!  Anyway...

And last but not least, I feel this will confirm what some have suspected for a while:

Yes, I am a vampire.  Very clearly raised by one.  Kind of like Claudia in "Interview with the Vampire".  It explains so much-my lack of pulse on a coworker's phone heart monitor, the fact that I'm very pale and usually really cold, my weird random desire to visit Romania...the list goes on.  I think this solves everything!

Oh, and here's the adult form (it was October, it's a throwback!):

Totally see the resemblance, right?

Back to the coast next time!


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