
In an attempt to usher in spring and as a follow-up to my last post, I will start posting some of my numerous flower pictures.  Between trips with Erika to Longwood Gardens, walks at the Arboretum, and other random pictures from the game lands, Savannah, etc. I have a TON of flower pictures.  We'll get started in a sec.

I've taken this week off from running.  For some reason these last two or so weeks my body has been completely rebelling against everything-extreme fatigue, aching everywhere.  I try to run, work out, and can't make my body do what I want it to.  Such a frustrating feeling.  A full blood panel shows only that my thyroid is hypo again.  Okay, fine, but that isn't the cause of this.  I think I've physically caught up with where I am emotionally.  So hopefully a week off will help and then starting again slowly.  Sigh.

I'm eager to get started again as I keep getting recruited by the Nittany Valley Hash House Harriers.  I'm not totally sure what to think...for those who don't know what this is, here's some info.  But basically it's running in the woods, drinking, and...I don't know what else.  That's the part I'm nervous about!  One of the people who tries to recruit me is someone I kind of know through my previous work with DUS at Penn State.  Anyway, could be fun, could be scary.  I'll speak to it should I decide to join them one day!

My recruiting card above and my recent snack addiction.  Since I've tried to be more regular in my running I've been craving protein like crazy.  So almost every afternoon I make my way to the HUB on campus (curse you for being so close) and get my chicken jerky and Quest bar.  Better than the Creamery, I suppose!

So I've decided that the fox is my spirit animal.  Since my last post I've seen two more foxes in the game lands for a total of four sightings in recent weeks.  It's not a surprise, actually...I've always been drawn to foxes.  I subscribed to Ranger Rick magazine as a kid and my favorite character was Scarlett Fox.  I probably also related to her short temper.  :)

If I had to choose a favorite old school Disney movie (I was more of a "Watership Down", "The Last Unicorn", etc. fan) it was Robin Hood.  Specifically because the main characters were foxes.

When I used to letterbox, my personal traveler stamp (that people could only access after guessing my Meyer's Briggs type...good grief) was a fox.  They are beautiful creatures.  Now to just figure out what it means!  I'm bummed I was out with the dogs and didn't have my camera this last sighting...she stopped close enough that I could have gotten a great pic!  Oh well.

So that's about all the news for now.  Now for some flower pics.  Keep scrolling...haha.  All pictures taken and edited by me from this point on.  Enjoy!

Pretty much straight out of the camera-the background photographed this dark making for an interesting picture.

I love how lotus flowers always seem to glow...

The following may or may not be technically flowers but I like the pictures nonetheless!

And why not a Christmas flashback?


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