Intro and Atlanta

What is a magpie box?  Whether realized or not, almost everyone had one.  Many may still.  It’s a collection of odds and ends, trinkets, and memories stored under beds or on the top shelves of closets. 

The magpie itself is a curious and intelligent bird, loyal, boisterous yet secretive when necessary.  And easily distracted by shiny objects!  Known collectors, they will take anything from jewelry to windshield wipers and stash these wonderful treasures in their nest. 

So welcome to my virtual magpie box.  A collection of my own odds and ends, trinkets, and memories in photo form.

We made it home Saturday morning after what seemed like an exceptionally long drive (because 14 hours normally seems like what…?).  We got a later start than usual and didn’t roll in until about 8:30 AM but this lovely sight was well worth it!

After some rest we enjoyed a proper slow-cooked southern BBQ dinner!

 Other things that have happened the last couple of days include:

These signs have been popping up all around my parents’ house.  For those who don’t know, I was fascinated by rabies as a child.  While everyone else was crying over Old Yeller I was heading to the library to check out veterinary handbooks to learn more (Ironic that I worked in a virology lab in undergrad? I think not).  Fascinating yet terrifyingly creepy.  Especially when there’s an outbreak around you.  And you take your dogs out at 3 AM.

My parents’ pup, Elsa, is getting big!

 With the extreme heat the dogs have been enjoying time in the water.  Scratch that.  MY dogs go psycho over the hose while Elsa keeps a safe distance!

 My favorite part of southern summers are the storms.  The eerie silence and stillness in the air…the energy building in the atmosphere…then, finally, that low, long rumble of thunder in the distance.  I can’t even describe it!  Love, love, love!  And these afternoon storms make for some amazing evening skies!

 About another week here at home then we’re off to the coast!


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