Happy Belated, C!

So being the horrible person I am, I left Corvus in a boarding kennel for his birthday while I was enjoying myself down in Georgia! Actually, he's a dog and doesn't care about his birthday. And I'm not one of those people that makes a big deal out of my dogs' birthdays. BUT...I did a post for Barghest a while back so it's only fair to do one for Corvus. This will mostly be pictures-I take a lot of pictures of this dog. A lot. We've spent a lot of time together over the years, starting our treks to training when he was 9 weeks old. Then training every day at home. Going places around town and traveling together. This dogs came from Texas, has driven to or through more states than many people and is an expert at staying in hotels. He's super attached to me and I to him. I don't know what I'll do when he's gone. The last dog that I had this kind of bond with was my first husky. Nyx and I are working on it and I thi...